I had an interview at 1300h with The Bridge TTC, who are based in Cecil Sharp House, on the corner of regents Park Road. To allow plenty of time I left home at 1130h. Tubes were very quick, and I got to Camden Town just after mid-day, so decided to go for a stroll along the Outer Circle, and up to Primrose Hill. Most nostalgic, bringing back many memories of the year I lived at 109 Regents Park Road.

The green building is 109 Regents Park Road. The shop on the ground floor is still occupied by Ian Mankin (who sells expensive fabrics) as it was back in 1980-81 when I lived there. The colour of the front has been through several incarnations: it was red when I lived there, and subsequently a dark blue.
I arrived around 1250 after ny nostalgic stroll, and was shown in immediately. A chat, intro to the orhganisation (2 permanent staff plus p/t admin, special feature: acting teaching catering to a postgrad/post-experience market, so having a broad range of ages among the students. Teaching using a pool of practitioners.)
They asked for ideas on marketing the course – I think I did well on this, and on the website / IT questions. This was followed by a quite unexpected practical test! My typing is shit, although I was assured that the typing test was not that important. However, being faced with designing a flyer in Quark was very strange – I haven’t used Quark since I installed in on the Mac at Rothes Halls, which must be at least nine years ago! I cobbled something up, and was fairly happy with the colours and general feel of the flyer, but it did take a while to remember stuff. This was a slightly trick question – although details of the play and venue had been supplied, no contact tdetails to buy tickets were given. I asked about this, and think this was a brownie point to me. The final thing was to do a letter to an agent inviting them to the end-of-year show. I don’t think that I did well on this – to be honest, it’s the kind of thing that I normally spend several hours over getting right the first time, and then use as a mailmerge form letter almost forever after!
There was then a show-round: basically, they have two large halls in the semi-basement, plus a small coffee bar etc, plus a pair of linked offices up half a set of stairs. It is probably somewhere that I could enjoy working – but I think I won’t get the job: in an organisation of 2 1/2 permanent staff, personalities are important, and I think that I may have come across as a bit scary and slightly too used to larger organisations (though I did explain that both Hampstead Theatre and Donmar Sales were pretty small-scale). I expect to hear by the middle of next week, anyway.
I’d arranged to meet Mark (from TW4) in First Out for a coffee and chat at 1730. I had just enough time to go home and change out of a suit into summer clothes (warm sunny day), and get into town. We had a good chat, as always, but were obviously both pretty tired! Left First Out around 1900h, and got home to finish making chicken soup and chill out a bit.