
I spent half my working life in Theatre and allied occupations. These pages are about just a few of the over a hundred shows and projects that I’ve worked on during my career. They aren’t necessarily the ones that have been the highest profile, or had the best reviews, or indeed paid me the most – they are things I’ve found most fun and rewarding to work on.

So what makes a show or a project “fun and rewarding”? Partly, of course, it’s the other people involved – any project can only be as good as the team running it, and I’ve been greatly privileged to work with many enthusiastic and highly-skilled professionals across a wide range of disciplines. But also, for me, a “fun and rewarding” project is often one that stretches me: one in which I alternate between waking in the small hours wondering what I’ve got myself into, and enjoying the sense of progress during production and achievement on completion. I would certainly worry if I ever went into a major production without the “controlled sense of fear” that so many people from a Theatre background experience!

Individual shows can be accessed from the drop-down under “Shows” on the menu at the top, or from the links below. I’ll gradually add more shows over time.

Eartha Kitt in Concert  Shaftesbury Theatre 1989

“Scotland Debates”  Rothes Halls 1997

“Skulduggery”  Old Red Lion Theatre 1987

“French and Saunders” Shaftesbury Theatre