
The first flowers are opening on the forsythia that (as is my personal tradition) I brought indoors on New Year’s Day.This morning, the calendar that each month has a photo of plants in my garden arrived, glossy with the promise of good things to come.

12th Night

I think this is a first-ever for me! I did actually remember to change out of a woolly jumper (in which pine needles always get dreadfully stuck) into a smooth sweatshirt before de-decorating the Christmas Tree.

I’m keeping the tree indoors for the time being in an unheated room – I think an abrupt transition to outdoors, where we still have lying snow with more forecast, might upset it. It’s not a traditional Christmas tree, but “Picea Glauca Conica”. This was its 3rd Christmas here, and I have considerable hopes that it will survive to do at least one more.

pre-Christmas bits

Yesterday, they let me know that the delivery of “logs” scheduled for today would be between 7 and 9 am. That meant an alarm for 6.30 … I got a text bang-on 7 to say that the estimated actual time would be 8.25. They actually arrived at 8.30, which is a time I’d normally be awake but still in bed, so it was worth getting up early I suppose.

Anyway, a dozen packs are now stacked away in the cupboard under the stairs, and a couple of packs behind my chair for easier access. All that is the compressed sawdust “heat logs”, though I do have one bag of real logs, which I ordered with the last delivery. I think that real logs on Christmas Day will feel right – as it’s the first Christmas since Mum died, and only the third Christmas ever that I’ve spent on my own at home, the little things will be helpful.

The Christmas tree went up two days ago – the third year it’s done, which is pretty fair. I might manage to keep it going for a further 12 months if I re-pot it in the spring.

washer / dryer

On Monday (9th) the washer/dryer started making very unhappy noises during the drying cycle – five or ten seconds of nasty grinding sounds each time of pumping out water. I completed the load, which was only a light one of four shirts and a jumper, but didn’t risk doing the other needed one.

I’m on a contract for this machine, as washer/dryers have a reputation for unreliability. However, I’ve had it just over ten years, and this is only the second time that I’ve needed an engineer (January 2024 being the first). I went on line – engineer for Tuesday 10th only available in the 0715h slot, which was no good (not only because I’m not good at very early starts, but mainly because on-street parking is impossible at that time!). So, booked for Wednesday 10am-8pm.  Tuesday evening was moving the kitchen table and other things to give a decent space for the engineer to work in, and then cleaning the grubby bits of floor that that exposed!

The engineer arrived about midday, which was great. It took a few tries for the machine to start making the noise, but eventually a faulty pump was diagnosed. He had a spare in the van, so it was quickly replaced – total visit time around half an hour, with which I was very satisfied. And then putting things back in the usual place in the kitchen …

I’m pleased to keep this elderly machine going. Most modern machines seem to be going “smart”, and I really do not want kitchen appliances that have buggy, hackable, and privacy-invading software on them – “Which?” has a longstanding campaign on the poor quality and safety of “connected” machines. And, although Indesit is not an expensive brand, my own experience is that longevity is OK … my Mum’s first fridge (Indes, before it became Indesit) did nearly 20 years, her first Indesit dishwasher did about 15, and this washer/dryer so far has clocked up a decade.


A couple of months ago I re-potted my assorted amaryllis bulbs, which had been rather neglected. As a result, none of the little ones look as though they’re going to flower this year. However, the one formerly on the bathroom windowsill, now living in the front room, has come into flower – about six weeks earlier than it ever has before!  It’s the tenth successive year that it has flowered for me.

It’s a cheerful addition, though if it’s still in flower after next week there may be a problem … for the last couple of years I’ve tended to put the Christmas Tree up the weekend about ten days before Christmas Day (rather than following the family tradition of Christmas Eve, or my own inclination of the Solstice).

bits and bobs …

Thursday to Sunday was over at Green Mount, continuing the clearing process. Simon and Phoebe were also there. I do find it very stressful, though as an Aspie I probably don’t show it much, and it’s made worse by my sometimes-difficult relationship with my sister.

So, lots of mindless manual stuff on Sunday late afternoon/evening, which turned out to be de-frosting the fridge. Very much overdue! It was in a good – if rather empty – state for this lunchtime’s ASDA delivery. Today (Monday) was changing the bathroom heater from a very inadequate fan heater to an infra-red quartz one. Hopefully this will put a stop to walking into the bathroom to find that head-height was very hot but everything else was frigidly unheated! There are still the mounting holes for the previous heater to fill … i’m not sure if I currently have any filler, but looking for some will be a tomorrow job.


After four days of lying (but increasingly patchy) snow, the weather finally broke overnight. Today is around 9 or 10C, raining, and increasingly strong winds. For the first time in a week, I haven’t lit the stove, but the central heating is working pretty hard to keep the temperature up, due to the wind.

I had my covid jab on Thursday (21st). My arm is still a bit sore, especially if I accidentally lie on it when going to sleep, and I feel generally aching. I’m not sure if that’s weather or vaccination or both, but hopefully it will wear off over the next day or so.

energy statement

I’ve just had the first of the “winter months” energy statement through. It’s not too bad – used about £11 more than I’ve paid. However, this doesn’t account for what I’ve used in wood for the log burner, and I’ve had the stove lit several times during the month. Indeed, I’m about to light it again, as a pleasant Sunday thing to do.

Deeply depressing

It’s been a depressing few days since Trump Mark II was elected, and I’ve kept away from social media and news sites (even my beloved Guardian) for fear of falling into a deep and gloomy hole. It’s clearly going to take a while longer. Emergency cheering-up procedures have centred round food: I admit to a self-indulgent Worcester Burger Shop delivery, and there’s making scones (and I put clotted cream on the Waitrose order), an apple Charlotte, a full roast-pork-with-crackling dinner last night … Having the wood stove lit over the weekend was also good.

Most unusually for me, I didn’t observe the Silence either yesterday on Remembrance Sunday (10th), or today on Armistice Day (11th), though I have as usual been wearing the White Poppy from All Souls’ Day onwards. There’s a whole area of thinking about death and destruction which is starting to seem more imminent again: Trump, Putin, Chinese expansionism. I know that my generation is historically exceptional in having avoided living through a war that had direct domestic impacts, but I’m increasingly concerned that we may yet see one.

As distraction, there have been Green Party newsletters. Lots and lots of them, including two batches for Bromsgrove. In fact, I’ve done nearly 17,000 over the last ten days, at around three hours a day. I’ll think about asking for them to be a bit more spread out in future! Still, it’s been the kind of thing that requires enough attention to stop me ruminating, without actually being mentally demanding, so that’s all good. And I’ve taken the plunge to “upgrade” both laptops and the upstairs desktop to Windows 11 – a more mentally demanding task!  However, it’s necessary if I’m going to successfully sync data on the newer, more powerful, but much bigger Thinkpad to the elderly T460s, which has been a struggle to keep going but is more convenient. The plan is to have both in simultaneous use for as long as the old one holds out.

On a more positive note, the assorted “any time but Christmas” cacti have been flowering profusely, and the winter jasmine outside the French window is magnificent (and there’s some in a vase indoors – just about the only flower still going).

daylight …

After some five years, the “daylight” bulb over the plants in the dark corner of my room expired. As always, it was a bit of a hunt to find a replacement (GU10, 6500k, 38 degree, 6 or 8 watt), but one finally arrived this morning. Such a relief to be able to put it in, to replace the “emergency” warm white 110-degree horror that’s been standing in for it.